Thursday, June 18, 2009

I leave today for four days of intensive advanced training with Dr. Vimala Rodgers. Vimala has a unique perspective on handwriting as a tool for personal, professional and spiritual excellence.

It is sometimes a challenge to keep up with Vimala. She is truly a visionary and as such, is often far ahead of what most people -- including me -- can grasp. She is Mensa-level brilliant and has no use for most of what we might call our "modern world." She had never heard of a Wii until faced with one at a Christmas gathering last year. The reality of such an invention puzzled her. Why would anyone want to participate in life through such a filter? If you want to play a game, go play the game! Why play a game that plays the game?

I have been working with The Vimala System of Handwriting for 15 years. I never would have imagined the changes in my outlook and reactions to life that my daily handwriting practice has solidified in me. And yet, among all the tools I offer to clients (and even speak about to family and friends), The Vimala System creates the most resistance and skepticism. At times I've crossed over into that camp. But the results in my life bring me back to this extraordinary tool.

Trainings with Vimala are usually non-stop. They take place at retreat centers -- but there is very little "retreating." Instead, we're usually in class every moment we aren't eating or sleeping. It can be grueling. Still, we return, again and again. What magic might we miss out on otherwise?

I'll let you know how "Sacred Symbols" goes.

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