Sunday, May 22, 2011

Everything in my life is a gift ...

A colleague I particularly respect sent me the following email:

My talk was to [an association] – couldn’t believe how nervous I was, inspite of how often I do this. It think, because of my counseling background and wanting to speak especially to their particular needs, my stomach acted up a lot and I felt weak-kneed – how embarrassing; finally pulled out of it by simply telling them that I was nervous! HA!

My response to her was:

I find that experiences such as the one you describe help to keep us connected to what our clients are going through. It expands compassion and deepens understanding, ultimately making us better at what we do.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tied Up In Knots

Most of my clients just don't get the benefit of the handwriting work I do. They balk at the idea of making changes to their handwriting and dismiss the transformational value of a daily handwriting practice.

I'd been working with "Hermine" for several months. We had a few intense sessions in my office, and then, because of the distance between us, we followed-up with weekly TAT sessions over the phone. Once in a while, in response to the TAT sessions, I recorded a new hypnotherapy CD for her and mailed it.

For the past four years, Hermine has dealt with a phobia that's manifesting as a physical condition. As with most phobias, this one is anxiety-based and the result of a hyper-vigilant response to a perceived danger.

For a number of reasons (that now leave me scratching my head) I did not initially ask for a handwriting sample from Hermine. As our phone work was not yielding the dramatic results I would have expected given the consistency of the sessions and Hermine's motivation to heal, I asked her to mail me a page of her writing.

The capital H in her autograph looked like a maze. There were little loops everywhere, especially in the upper left hand corner where she began the letter. I compared this autograph with the one on her initial consultation agreement and there was a huge difference. The H in the current autograph was significantly loopier.

When I questioned Hermine about this, she said that the sample she had sent me was representative of her usual autograph. She mentioned how much she loves the way the H in her name looks with all the loops.

I asked her if she'd be willing to take on a daily handwriting practice, focusing on the capital H in of The Vimala Alphabet which is simple and dynamic. The only loop is in a "tie stroke" that projects positive energy in one's day-to-day activities. She was less than thrilled but said she'd be willing to try anything if it would help.

We then proceeded with a TAT session.

Because of holidays, our next phone session was two weeks later. I had received a new handwriting sample from Hermine from her now-daily practice and her H's were beautiful. As we caught up, she mentioned that our last TAT session must have been particularly powerful because she had been doing much better since then. The grip of the phobia had loosened and she was less anxious overall.

I pointed out that she had been working on her handwriting since the last TAT session and suggested that it was her new H that had made the difference. The old H had been reflective of Hermine's long-standing subconscious tendency to "tie herself up in knots." The more work we did to loosen those tendencies, the tighter and more plentiful the knots became as the subconscious held on to its old, familiar, "secure" ways.

Hermine's experience was as significant for me as it was for her. It is a perfect example of why the handwriting work is foundational and essential. For more information, check out Vimala Rodgers' websites: and Sign up for Dr. Rodgers' weekly e-letter. It's free!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Essential Healing

Essential Healing is the name I've given to a wonderful interactive hypnotherapy technique I've perfected over the years. I developed Essential Healing from the awareness that when the subconscious adopts a specific behavior, it thinks it's being of service. The ability to speak directly with the part in charge of a specific behavior (i.e., night eating, procrastination, self-sabotage, etc.) opens up invaluable avenues of information and healing.

I love Essential Healing sessions and had the opportunity to do one yesterday. The client not only accessed her Inner Wisdom, but also the part in charge of a behavioral pattern that has been increasingly in her way and quite baffling to her. The client got a clear picture of the exact time in her life when this part (and the behavior) first joined her. Then we worked with the client's Problem-Solving Mind to come up with three healthy, new ways for that part to be of service, immediately replacing the unpleasant pattern in place for many years. The client was stunned by the clarity of information she received, and the beautiful flow of the session. As a strong woman, I also think she appreciated the fact that all of the answers came directly from her -- from different parts of her powerful mind and being -- and that she received a spiritual boost, as well.

Essential Healing is my signature hypnotherapy technique, one that I taught for nine years at Marilyn Gordon's Center for Hypnotherapy Certification. Not every hypnotherapist is comfortable doing this kind of deep, transformational work. It takes experience, patience and great care. What a privilege it is for me to facilitate such marvelous healing experiences for people!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Time to Heal

Yesterday I started working with a new client, a 26-year-old man who's suffered from some level of anxiety most of his life. Even though he's seen counselors and even a psychiatrist, he had no idea what what the disconnect was between mind and body that has been causing the panic attacks, jitteriness, digestive problems, etc.

He responded so quickly and beautifully to the diaphragmatic breathing I taught him, and then to the custom relaxation CD I made for him. There was a huge difference in him over the 90 minutes we spent together.

I know he'll do his homework (practice the breathing technique and listen to his CD daily) because he's wonderfully motivated to be completely well.

What a great experience for us both! Looking forward to our next session.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Debunking New British Infertility Study

What are those Brits thinking?

In USA Weekend yesterday, there was an article on "New Thinking in Infertility" reporting findings from the British Medical Journal that I totally disagree with.

Apparently a new study found that there was no difference in the successful pregnancy rates of women who are under lots of stress versus women who aren't. This just doesn't make any sense! The physiological domino effect of stress in the body contradicts that finding and leaves me scratching my head.

Very simply put, stress puts us into fight-or-flight response. That fight-or-flight response includes a disruption in the production of hormones that support conception and pregnancy.

Establishing a relaxation response is key to conception and full-term pregnancy. Forget the British study; I've got case files full of proof of how effective the mind-body-spirit connection is this regard.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Asking for Help

I work with a lot of very strong people. Some of my clients have never before asked for help and their call to my office creates its own anxiety.

Many people have a chip on their shoulder about asking for help and accepting it when it's offered. They say they feel weak if they ask for help and strong when they tackle their problems on their own or just pretend those problems don't exist at all.

I see it differently. I see the strength in asking for help and accepting it. I see the courage it takes to admit that you're only human after all and don't have all the answers. Yes, it is a vulnerable position to place oneself in. And in that vulnerability is an opening for the Light to shine in and do its most sacred work.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Change in Plans

I have taken the Summer Solstice Celebration (originally scheduled for Tuesday, June 21st) off my calendar because it turns out that I have another commitment that evening.

This is a perfect example of how busy our lives can get and how challenging it sometimes is to keep all the areas of our lives straight.

I belong to an Armenian women's organization (The Daughters of Vartan). The San Francisco chapter is hosting a national Convocation in July and the planning committee has been working for over a year to make it all happen successfully. One of the many hats I'm wearing as part of this huge endeavor, is as narrator of a special Saturday night banquet program. This requires several rehearsals, one of which is Tuesday, June 21st.

At first I thought of rescheduling the workshop for a day before or after. And then sanity asserted itself and I realized that I had enough on my plate until the Convocation... and perhaps a few weeks after.

What surprises me is the resistance I had to making this decision in favor of allowing some open space in my life. I felt guilty and somehow irresponsible. How weird is that?

Does this type of thing show up in your life too?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Successful Surgery!

Well, the surgery went perfectly. There was very little bleeding and it took much less time than he thought it would. Your therapy helped tremendously, as I knew it would.


This is a post-surgery note from a client. Getting A Higher Perspective on an upcoming surgery sets you up for less anxiety before the procedure, a smoother flow to the procedure itself and less bruising and faster recovery afterward.