Thursday, November 19, 2009

How does hypnotherapy work for weight management?

"Natasha" wrote the following note some weeks after her third session with me. I have made some edits to make reading the message easier but the content is all hers:

Wow, life is great. I lost 9 lbs to date almost effort less since 9/2. I love my husband and his words don't hurt me as often. I also don't put myself in a position of being hurt because now I trust my decisions and don't look for confirmation as much. I say to myself before I go to him, if I don't get the affirmation from him that I am hoping for then 1) is he being an ass? 2) does he have to believe as I do? Usually No. 3) is he capable of the feelings I am hoping for?

Walking through these questions first when I head into an emotional discussion allows me to still love him for who he is and then I can still be who I am. So far this has been very freeing.

I do the same with my best friend who is similar to [my husband].

For eating, I eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I sometimes have a 10am and/or 4pm snack. I only weighed myself three times so far because I am in tune with my emotions and healthy eating. When I eat unhealthy, I am not really enjoying it. Not sure why right now, but I don't need to know.

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