Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back Just In Time

Having just returned from France through SFO, yesterday's plane crash really grabbed my attention.  Just reading the related articles in this morning's paper got my empathic channels going.

When something like this happens, I relate to the people on the plane, the friends and relatives of those who died or were injured, the people who watched the crash from the ground, and the passengers whose unrelated travels were interrupted or cancelled.  Why?  Because flying phobias are often born or deepened in those very incidents and my client files are filled with these stories.

Years ago I worked with a woman who had just missed her flight out of the Denver airport.  As she stood at the gate watching the plane she was supposed to be on take off, it crashed right in front of her.  She had to be heavily medicated in order to board a flight home when flights were once again available and suffered for years from horrific flying phobias. 

As with so many of my clients, she came to me as a last resort, without any real hope of getting relief from her crippling fears. 

Her description of the crash was crystalized in memory and full of sensory details.  Since the subconscious has no sense of time and since part of her had frozen as she watched the crash, this made perfect sense. 

Using EFT (The Emotional  Freedom Technique) we slowly, gently and methodically dissolved the hold the experience had on her, moment by moment, memory by memory until she could recount the entire experience from beginning to end without any negative emotion attached.

She thought it was a miracle.  I knew it was just EFT doing its magic.

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