Sunday, November 21, 2010

Full Moon, Full Heart

Last week was very intense for me. Nothing really specifically bad or wrong, just that the world was "too much with me." A lot of people around me are in great need of one thing or another: money, hope, peace... I've been holding space for them and my arms started aching from that heaviness.

Friday afternoon I found myself as depressed as I ever remember being. The depression lifted after several hours, but boy was it awful while it lasted. I remember what it was like to live that way 24x7, so I was able to be grateful that it's no longer that way for me. I may visit depression once in a while, but I no longer live there. Yay!

I had read that this full moon Sunday would be a perfect time to set intentions so I applied myself this morning to writing what I call a "Manifestation." I wrote a journal entry dated March 20, 2011 and described what my life was like on that day. In performing that exercise, I realized that I have been so caught up in being in the moment (actually, so caught up in getting through each day) that I had somehow lost a larger vision of what is possible. As I wrote out my "druthers" for my life, I felt my vibration recalibrate upwards. Those few minutes of focus on what can be made what is more bearable and shifted things back into a more positive perspective for me overall. I ended my Manifestation as I always do: For this or more, I give thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I felt like this too, yesterday. Glad it's over...
    Have a great week and happy Thanksgiving!

