Monday, October 4, 2010

A Day of Wonder

My TAT mentor, Lisa Saubolle, ends each of her emails with "May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder." John O'Donohue

Today was such a day.

It started with a wonderful email from a client who was crowing that he'd gotten his three lowest golf scores of the year + a silver medal in an important East Coast golf tournament + aced an important sales presentation abroad.

That would have been gift enough.

But then I met a new client who had come in for smoking cessation. There was no question that she had been guided to me. As I got to know her a bit, it was clear that she was someone very connected spiritually and that my usual smoking cessation protocol (a unique combination of EFT, guided imagery and hypnotherapy) could be dispensed with for her. Instead, with her permission, I used my touch hypnosis technique to help her relax completely and prepare her for a journey to the Sacred Space of her House of Healing. I figured she was connected enough with her Guides and Angels that they would take care of things. And boy, did they!

She had a remarkable healing from her Guides. They literally cleansed her body of the cigarette smoke as well as her desire to smoke. They showed her many wonderful images and symbols she understood clearly, including the message that this healing was permanent. Me? I took copious notes and held the space.

When it was over, she looked absolutely radiant. She was so happy and calm and, yes, a bit awestruck. She tossed her final pack of cigarettes into my special red basket before leaving. Sweet!

Even though such experiences happen rather frequently in my office, they are a constant source of inspiration and gratitude for me. It is proof positive that when we set the intention to heal, it is a sacred intention and therefore all of our Guides and Angels gather to support that intention in whatever way is meaningful to us.

What a day!

1 comment:

  1. Boons all around! Beautiful events, thank you for sharing :)
