Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wasting Time

I have had a heck of a time staying on task lately. I have a pile of stuff I need to do: forms required by the company that handles my business credit card charges, balancing my business checkbook, entering my AmEx charges on my Quickbooks program, two more condolence cards to write, on-line e-book tutorials to catch up on before the program expires at the end of the month ... just to name a few. I haven't even wanted to read emails, let alone respond to them.

What have I been doing instead when I'm not seeing clients at my office? Playing solitaire. And not an interesting, challenging, mind-expanding-strategic solitaire but stupid Vegas-style-mainly-chance solitaire. I click on the icon and off I go into a strange limbo-land where my eyes get drier and drier, my body stiffer and stiffer, my mind more and more blank.

Ah, yes, the blankness! It occurs to me that in spite of a daily hour-long handwriting practice and three yoga classes a week, my games of solitaire are the closest I get to meditation these days.

In retrospect, I think it was the earthquake in Haiti that put me over the top. Avoiding any and all news coverage of the disaster, I made the donation and just kept going.

Processing heartache seems to be taking all my disposable energy these days. Solitaire, anyone?


  1. Thank you Lucy for sharing your feelings. The news has been so dreadful lately. When I hear of so many people suffering it makes me feel quite helpless, and actually stuck. It helps to know that most of us are probably feeling the same way, and that we need to keep finding ways to settle our minds and reach out to others. You are always an inspiration!
    Sandy Thompson

  2. You are indeed an inspiration! Thank you for sharing yourself with us. I love reading your postings!
    Roberta Ceschel
