Friday, December 20, 2013

Winter Solstice 2013

Enveloped in Your Light,
may I be a beacon to those in search of Light.

Sheltered in Your Peace,
may I offer shelter to those in need of peace.

Embraced by Your Presence,
so may I be present to others.

Rabbi Rami Shapiro
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What is this craziness?

I wrote to Pam Younghans, astrologer extraordinaire, because I've been feeling so weird lately.  Here are excerpts from our exchange:

I was wondering if perhaps you could shed some light on a feeling shared by several people I know – including me.  I have had a very difficult time DOING anything productive over the past couple of weeks.  I have a houseful for Christmas, and our tree has been naked in its stand for two weeks.  I have to push myself to get anything done, preferring the almost hypnotic cocoon of Spider Solitaire to just about any other activity.  Family members have mentioned how lazy they have been.  Friends have been having a hard time attending to important issues in their lives.
It's just weird.  I'm not depressed.  I'm actually quite happy in spite of all the uncertainty around me.  But, I'm just not wanting to do any of my long list of to-do's.

 And to think that just a couple of weeks ago, it was the exact opposite.  I felt pushed almost like a crazy person to finalize things and get them out of the way.

It's a little crazy-making.  And it doesn't feel like me. 

Here's Pam's initial reply:

I think it has something to do with being bored with the third dimension. Parts of us, still mostly outside of our conscious mind's ability to perceive, are playing with higher dimensional thought and experience. Our conscious mind is aware enough to know there's new and exciting stuff happening on higher levels of consciousness, but not yet aware enough to participate fully. So everything, even those things we would often enjoy on this earthly plane, can feel dry and uninviting -- something like knowing we can see colors the way bees do, but having to settle for the (still beautiful, but pale-in-comparison) colors that human eyes can see.

Astrologically, it corresponds with the Pluto-Uranus square, with Uranus in Aries representing a strong desire to awaken to higher consciousness, and Pluto in Capricorn representing the powerful attachment to reality that can block that higher awareness.

And then she added:

It also seems that we are simply tired of the old ways of handling reality. A part of us knows there are more expansive, higher-vibrational ways of utilizing this human existence, and we're just done with the old methods, even though we may not yet be consciously up to speed with the new. Many things that we've always enjoyed and appreciated -- including our work -- feel like they're a part of the old, so we are restless and don't feel the same energy around them as we have in the past.

Again, the Pluto-Uranus square at work. The conflict between the urgency to find and embrace the new (Uranus in Aries) vs. the reality that deep transformation takes time (Pluto in Capricorn). It's challenging to find inspiration in what seems like our old world, based on this.

It does feel as though we – those of us who are conscious – have a foot in each world.  In the Vimala System, the Ligature Be/be represents "Dancing Between Two Worlds."  Be/be was my Ligature of 2013 and I did not envision it manifesting in my life as it has.  Especially since what I'm experiencing these days seems much more of a "lurching" than a "dancing."

What do you think?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Mother's Heartbreak

A woman emailed me late last night asking if I work with eating issues.  She spoke of years of suffering for her daughter.  Here's my reply:

I realize that you wrote concerning your daughter, but I can't help but think of you, writing that message at almost 11:00 last night.  I can only imagine what it's like for you to watch your daughter suffering for "the past several years," trying everything you can think of to help her.  There's hardly anything worse for a parent.

 The answer to your question is yes, I have worked with eating disorder issues and in particular anorexia.  The key is in the cooperation of the client herself and often in those cases, cooperation is spotty and/or limited.

 What would you think of coming to see me yourself?  I think you could use the support and healing.  And as your heart finds more peace, who knows what ripples will be created throughout your household and family?

Please let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Make It So!


In my December newsletter, I ended my column with the words, "Make it so!"

When the holiday pattern has long been is crazy relatives at chaotic gatherings, it's hard to even imagine anything different.  My suggestion to "Make it so" that you have a meaningful, peaceful, enjoyable holiday may leave some of you shaking your head and muttering, "But that's impossible with my family/situation!"

Earlier today, one of my clients emailed me with a question.  He mentioned the craziness ahead of him with visiting family.  Here is what I included in my reply:

As far as your holidays being a mess, here's a suggestion. This is a perfect opportunity to practice your co-creating, Word I am Word  (Paul Selig) perspective.  Choose a date in late January and write a journal entry for that date, looking back on the "best holiday visit we've ever had.  I can't believe how smoothly everything went, and how harmonious everything was."  Yadda, yadda, yadda.  Use your own words, of course.  Don't worry about whether it seems possible or not, just write from your heart about how you wish things would be -- without any regard as to what's happened in the past, etc.  Go paragraph by paragraph for each and all of the elements that are important to you:  you, your wife, your kids, her parents, your parents.   Be sure to end with:  For this or better, I give thanks
If you're interested in more information about this powerful manifesting technique, please email me at and I will send you the full instructions.