Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sweet, sweet, sweet!

My client "Sarah" is about as stressed out as anyone I have ever worked with. Her ex-husband is volatile and not complying with several key court-ordered actions. Of her three children, two have serious medically-diagnosed psychiatric conditions. Frequent court battles have left her frazzled and she has been hanging on by a thread. Her physician urged her to seek me out, issuing a formal prescription for my work.

The last time she came in, her youngest son was with her. He's ten and struggles with attention and anger management challenges. A beautiful boy, he sat in my waiting room very patiently for the first hour of her appointment. Sarah and I have just begun our journey together so we're still in the foundation-laying stage. Lots of EFT and relaxation, including the CDs I've been making for her in my office that she can listen to at home. The deeper work, the Essential Healing (tm) will come later.

When it came time for me to record a new relaxation CD for Sarah, I suggested her son join her.
I pulled the cushions off the waiting room couch to make a comfortable spot for him to lie down. By the time I came back into my inner office, he was tucked in at his mother's side on my famous "big blue chair." And there he stayed.

I don't have the words to describe the sweetness of that recording session for me. I chose one of my favorite scripted inductions, one I call "Core Empowerment," adapted from one of Del Morrill's scripts. I love it because it reinforces the fact that everything we need to live a happy, healthy life -- no matter what -- is within us: comfort, security, wisdom, wellness, confidence, success, peace, etc. It was as important a message for the son as for the mom.

After all these years of sharing it with clients, the script is familiar enough that I only needed to glance down every so often, giving me lots of opportunity to fill my eyes with the sweet scene before me: Mother and son, holding each other, completely relaxed and contented, enjoying a respite of peace in an otherwise extremely chaotic world.

No matter when Sarah listens to the CD, she'll have a sensory memory of her son at her side, both of them relaxed and peaceful. And the next time I record that particular script for someone, I'll have the heart-memory of these precious moments of sanctuary I was able to provide for one mother and son.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


With spring in the air and some extra time on my hands, this seemed a good opportunity to thank some of the physicians who refer to me. Like the Easter bunny, I delivered flower arrangements yesterday to various medical offices in San Ramon and Danville. It was a pleasant activity and put me in a state of gratitude.

In addition to some of my old favorites, I decided to reach out to a fertility specialist who had been recommended by one of the other docs. My work is so very helpful with fertility and I've been searching for the right specialist in the medical community to partner with. My networking efforts in this direction have been met with a deafening silence ... until now.

Here's what Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh said in her thank you email: "This is exactly what I've been looking for. I've been referring patients to online resources for relaxation cd's and info on meditation etc but having you provide this as a resource would be superb."

Yes. Yes! Exactly what I wanted: a win-win partnership. Perfect! Thank you.

Check out this extraordinary fertility specialist's great website:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Down the Rabbit Hole

Since I gave up Solitaire for Lent, I have been surfing the internet as never before.

Today I discovered that according to one website, I'm a paralegal. My last day in a law office was January 31, 1992. I saw my first hypnotherapy client on May 11, 1992 and never looked back. The same website had my husband (with last name misspelled) working in Atlanta. I think he's been to Atlanta once or twice.

Are there people who get their jollies by making stuff up and posting it? And once the misinformation is "out there," how can it be corrected?

I imagine George Orwell is smackiing himself in the head and saying,"Wow, who would have ever thought that I didn't go far enough!"

Friday, March 12, 2010

Enough with the rain!

As of today, I am DONE with the rain. Done. Enough. Finished. Quite fed-up, thank you very much.

And it should feel better to have said so. But it doesn't.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hey, this stuff really works!

That's what my son said when hypnotherapy eliminated his chronic migraines. That was about 15 years ago.

Yesterday I heard, "Your CD is really working!" from R. who is working with me to ease the symptoms of chronic IBS. It was our third session. "It's amazing," she said. "I'm so shocked that it's so simple!" After her first session her sleep improved and the sense of urgency caused by the IBS had eased. She's more relaxed and peaceful all around.

She's attracted to the types of foods that trigger IBS such as milk chocolate, ice cream and Pepsi. I asked her to bring her favorite candy bar and some Pepsi to her next session. I will teach her EFT and watch her amazement as her interest in those things just disappears.

I'll keep you posted!